Saturday, November 28, 2009

Letter from Wendy 10/09/09

Second Email...

I won't be able to type for very long, and I'm sorry for that. Your e-mails mean so much, as do your prayers. I am feeling a little stronger each day. The doctors are optimistic about my recovery. It is just slow going, and for an independent girl like me that's especially hard. I know Aron's birthday has to be a hard day for you every year. I will pray for you and your mom and dad. I can't imagine how that is. You want to just call him, or send a card, and you can't. I am so sorry.
Our little Elijah is doing well. He is a formula baby, which we didn't plan but with my surgery and hospital stay and new medications breastfeeding was not an option. So we are adjusting to the spitting up, gas, diaper rash, and constipation that comes with that. Ethan was breastfed so we never had to deal with any of that. I am still not able to do much but look at him, but Chris does a great job of taking care of him. Ethan is a wonderful big brother.
I find that my priorities have changed a lot since my little experience. Every day I appreciate new things that didn't seem to matter before. It has been humbling having to ask for help with EVERYTHING, but I think maybe that's the lesson God has for me in all of this. Also each day, God shows me His hand on this whole situation. Every day. It never fails. A phone call, e-mail, card, visitor, or whatever will show up at just the time when I'm feeling sorry for myself or I'm getting frustrated, and it reminds me that God is loving me through this. Chris prays with me daily, and as a woman I never realized how important and necessary that is. To have a man love Christ and pray for you and with you strengthens everything in a marriage and a household. He has been my rock, and I am so thankful to have him.
Your prayers and well-wishes really help me a lot. You can call me if you want to, it would be a welcome break from the monotony of recovery in bed. I'll include my address and stuff, and I gave Chris your phone numbers in case he needs them. Thank you again for thinking of me.
Love, Wendy

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